Perfect entry-level model for customers from different markets and various application demands.
Robust, reliable and easy to maintain reciprocators, with a high loading capacity, very precise movements and easy programming.
Extreme powerful reciprocator with space-saving design, very precise movements and easy programming.
It moves a ZA vertical reciprocator in and out of the booth adapting to the part width. Ideal solution also for guns outside cleaning at color change.
It moves a ZA reciprocator parallel to the parts, synchronized with the conveyor speed. Ideal for inside coating and other difficult applications.
The U axis moves 1 or 2 aurtomatic guns in-out. It is ideal for guns positioning and inside coating.
Horizontal adjustment of the automatic guns allows optimum application position thanks to latest drive technology.
This axis can turn 1 or 2 guns over a fixed radius. It is ideal to coat round shaped objects such as wheels or loading openings of washing machines.
This axis can tilt a ZA reciprocator in-out of the booth. It is ideal to achieve a uniform coating on inclined surfaces.
Automatic guns positioning, triggering and setting improve finishing quality and reduce powder wasted in the recovery system.
This versatile and user friendly unit can be used for the control and programming of all Gema reciprocators and axis.
The system control ensures intelligent networking for all application components providing greater efficiency and manageability to the process.
A wide range of precise axis and easy to program 3D control systems, ensuring perfect coating results even with complicated parts.